What comes after the crisis? What potential can we offer to counter the dystopias? The “What now!?” exhibition reflects the focus theme of Design Month Graz 2024 and showcases 30 innovative solutions, bold visions and creative approaches that tackle these challenges in the areas of mobility, food, energy, industry, housing & architecture and circular economy & resources. From the question of whether we should own or use mobility, to the possibilities of using lab-grown meat and other scientific achievements, to the establishment of a circular economy through repair instead of production.
From May 4 to June 2, these projects will be presented in a large, joint exhibition at the Hornig Areal festival center. The projects and solutions on display come from well-known and renowned companies such as AVL, Siemens, Weitzer Wood Solutions and the Packaging Center Graz. This points equally to the range of content of the exhibition and to the certainty that no single discipline will save the world, but that it will require the interaction of many players, companies, ideas and visions.
Our world is in upheaval. Crises and uncertainties dominate. The time for lip service is over. The what and how of previous answers is not enough. We need a different what, a new how. We need new and different answers – solutions, visions and methods that offer a way out. One thing is clear: Not one discipline alone will “save the world”. It needs the creative power of many – it needs idea generators and implementers in many areas. We will give them a platform in Design Month Graz 2024.
What now!?
4 May – 2 June
daily 11.00 – 18.00
Festival Center Hornig Areal
Waagner-Biro-Straße 39 | 8020 Graz